CSS Selectors and Specifity

CSS Selectors

Selector Example Notes
Universal *{} Selects everything
Type p{} Selects all paragraph elements
Class .class{} Selects all elements with class
Id #name{} Selects the element with given ID
Pseudo classes p:hover{} Applies style when hovering over the paragraph element
Chaining h2.class{} Selects the h2 elements with a given class
Grouping p, h1, h2{} Applies the same style to multiple elements
Descendant .class li{} Selects the list elements within the element with a given class
Child header > h1{} selects all h1 elements that are children of the header
Adjacent sibling div + p{} Selects an element that immediately follows a specific element
General sibling div ~ p{} Selects all p elements that are siblings to the div element

CSS Specifity

When there are multiple stylings for the same element, specifity will decide which will get higher priority.

  1. Inline styles
  2. IDs
  3. Classes
  4. Type
  5. Universal